Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sneezy's Music and Trailers and Such

Demi Lovato - Skyscraper

Demi's pretty, she has a nice voice (if you don't like it at first, it grows on you), she can sing live, and I like her. She was bullied in school, had eating disorders, cut herself, etc., and I think this song is about overcoming the ways other people hurt you and the ways you hurt yourself. I've heard songs that pull off this theme better and with more melody, but this song is definitely what they call an admirable effort, and definitely better than a lot of OTHER songs with similar themes. It's better than Mean by Taylor Swift because Skyscraper doesn't attack anyone else, only uplifts Demi. I think this is a sign of what one might call spiritual enlightenment, and the next step is actually helping people who hurt you. So, don't be put off it because Demi's a teen idol. Here's the song.

The Sound of Arrows - Magic

I love this so much. The music is lovely, but combined with the video, it's heavenly. It tells me I'm not the only one who fantasizes about everyone else dissappearing off the planet, how much fun I'd have (no offense to all you who are not me and therefore would be disappearing in said fantasy; I like you all very much, really). No ill-intentioned people to hurt me, no well-intentioned people to impose restrictions on me, no one I have to please but me. The whole world to myself, the whole world and all its "puzzles and wonders, mysteries and such." Absolute freedom and bright possibility. This video and these lyrics capture that feeling perfectly. Perfectly. Also, the kids speak in beautiful Spanish, and the video's all the better for it. The world is full of magic.

On Tuesday, I saw an epic new release at the movie theatre. It's a cultural icon, dramatically influencing thousands upon thousands of children throughout its lifetime, which has ended with this installment unless it hasn't. You all know what I'm talking about.

Yep, Winnie the Pooh. It was cute, entertaining, humorous, but not phenomenal. I expected it to be much truer to the tone and characters of the original movie, and it's not. I think it tried a little TOO hard to be true to the tone, and that just doesn't work, because the original movie had a tone of NOT trying too hard, if you know what I mean. And the characters were perhaps half-right, but they were also dim-witted and thoughtless, which is okay for Tigger and maybe Owl, but not the rest of the characters. Pooh, especially, is supposed to be wise and gentle, in his own way. Now, as for the animation, this is Disney's latest pencil-drawn movie, and hopefully not its last. I'm not sure why, but pencil-animation is just nicer to look at than computer-animation. It's not just my personal taste. My eyes literally feel different, more relaxed, looking at pencil drawings. We can't let this form of animation die out! We must support such animation whenever possible. Therefore, I do recommend you go see the movie in theatres and support Disney pencil-animation, but I suggest you consider it seperate from the original movies. Also, my favorite part was the Nessie cartoon before the actual movie. It's also pencil-drawn, glorious to look at, and sweet in story. So be sure to be there for that.

The Amazing Spiderman

This is the reboot of the Spiderman story. To be honest, I'm terribly excited for it. I liked the Spiderman movies of the last decade, when they came out, but that was before I discovered truly great movies and TV, including the 1992 animated series, Spiderman. Now, I deem the Spiderman movies ALRIGHT, but pasty in comparison to the series. I'm hoping this new movie will live up the series. It appears Peter's parents might just disappear in this movie. Maybe they're American spies in Russia. I think I remember them being spies in the series. That would be exceptional. On the other hand, Peter seems doesn't seem at all snarky from the trailer, whereas the series' Peter was just a basket of wit as both Peter Parker and Spiderman. Maybe it's not fair or wise to expect the movie to be like the series. Well, here's hoping it's enthralling no matter if it is or not.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Ask Felines

We all love our humans. But how do we tell when they’re not feeling well, and how can we help them? Our experts are standing by to answer your questions.

Whiskers asks: My human seems sad. He stares blearily at the sun, which is more than a little worrying. What should I do?

Answer: Whiskers, sometimes it helps if you just sit on your human's lap and purr. How do you know if you're sitting on his lap? A good way to know if you're not sitting on his lap is if he makes noises to the effect of, "Whipsers, et off ma fafe!" In which case, you may be causing him more discomfort than anything. Also, attempt to purchase him a good pair of sunglasses.

Eyelashes asks: My humans have a small squishy baby, and it puts anything and everything in its mouth. I'm terrified of it. How do I keep it from getting me?

Answer: Eyelashes, it's always a shame to hear of humans and cats growing apart because a human bites. We possess proven  methods of controlling homo sapien biting. You may wish to obtain a teething ring. When using this method, however, keep the ring between yourself and the child at all times. You want the child to come across the teething ring FIRST, before it can get to YOU. Chances are it will take up the teething utensil and forget about you (or at least give you a head start). If you put yourself before the teething ring, you will have a problem, as the child has not yet developed an understanding of its  mouth's strength. In 20 years time, it will learn not to bite and can become your best friend, and the teething ring may well become obsolete.

Pan asks: My human is in the habit of dancing around to no music. Most of the time, I just lay there and pretend I don't notice. But I'm really worried. What could cause this? Should I step in?

Answer: Pan, you want to refrain from stepping in for as long as possible, as you might trip your human, a common mistake and one to be ardently avoided. Especially since there may be nothing wrong with him in the first place. Look closely at his head. His dancing may result from objects in his ears called "earbuds," out of which music emanates. Earbuds consist of teardrop shapes attached to hypnotizing strings you may be tempted to bite. Look and determine whether you're hypnotized. If so, there's a 21.3% chance the objects are ear buds. On the other hand, he may really be dancing to no music, which means he's harmlessly insane, which deserves congratulations! Many humans don't know the difference between harmlessly insane and contemptible and therefore avoid both, when harmless insanity is so much fun to watch. Just enjoy it. Then again, it's possible your human experiences the statistical anomaly of having so many spiders fall down his shirt that his cat calls it a habit. In that case, there's not much you can do until he gets the spider out. Stand by to jump into his lap and purr.

Wanderlust101 asks: I'm wondering about adopting this nearby human, but he's a bit strange. Should this affect my decision? But what are the benefits of adopting a human and how taxing is it?

Answer: Wanderlust101, humans are a very popular adoption option for many cats, partly because they offer handouts but more so because they offer affection and comfort. Humans are usually very independent. Many times, if you leave them to their work, they feed themselves. If you've never owned a human before, it helps to know what it involves, but not necessary. So often we find that cats just naturally pick up on all the human's needs and form a bond. Just be kind to them. If they are kind in return, they are perfect for you. This is not to say you should let down you're guard. If they come too close too soon, swipe at them and run. If they are true cat lovers, they'll understand your need to be cautious in this cold, cruel, cat-hating world.

Oreo asks: My human used to take out the big white jug from the big humming box and pour milk in my dish, but she never does anymore. She takes it out, puts it on the counter, pours her own glass, and puts it back just like that. It's becoming extremely frustrating. Any tips how to fix this?

Answer: Oreo, you really need to nip this behavior in the bud. Don't wait till it's too late and the jug is back in the fridge (the humming box). Get in there right away, and as the human puts the jug on the counter, purr loudly, meow pitiably, widen your eyes, and weave around the human's ankles. Do not, under any circumstances, forget to weave. It is the most critical aspect of the process. This method is the kindest way to inform the human that, if she doesn't release the milk, not only will her heart break, but she also won't get back to the fridge. This treatment is widely effective on kindly humans, but also widely irritating, so use with moderation.

Rawr asks: My human trips over me almost every night? Causes? Fixes?

Answer: Rawr, a little-known fact about humans is that they can't see in the dark like us. To solve this problem, follow these steps.

Step 1. (Some of you may prefer not to start at square one, as it is the farthest step from results. If this is you, skip to the final step, step 4.) Gather a dollop of unicorns. Leave it in place until step 3.

Step 2. Gather a handful of coal.

Step 3. Instruct the unicorns to trample the coal while wearing their star-nail horse shoes. Allow them to go home and retrieve the shoes if they have forgotten them. Also, check with their parents whether the young unicorns are allergic to coal. If they're immortal and invincible as rumored, let me know. I've always wondered. Have the unicorns trample the coal. Voila! Diamonds! Your human now possesses the resources required to attain a pair of night vision goggles. This variety of eye wear is particularly useful for vision at night.

Step 4. At night, be sure to avoid making beds in the centers of paths your human often takes, and keep a yard of distance between yourself and your human's feet at all times.

Fluffy asks: Every day, I bring my humans a mouse on their doorstep, and I'm like, "Here's a mouse, you guys, because I love you. Mouses are quite salubrious. Sometimes you worry me. I don't know why you won't eat more mice." But they won't eat the mice, and I'm afraid for their health. Why won't they eat the mice?

Can you answer this question? Register or Login.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Entertainment Recommendations

Looking for entertainment? Well, if you didn't read the title, you'll never guess that I have recommendations!

The King's Speech
Set in the early 1900's, The King's Speech tells the tale King George VI, King George the Stammerer, as he calls himself. The movie implements its soundtrack of classical music very well. I'm no expert on movie soundtracks. I usually don't even notice, but it seems movies often hit one extreme -- the orchestral scores that blend too well into the movie -- or the other extreme -- the latest pop hits I notice a little too much. In this movie, the music seems just right. I notice it, but it doesn't detract from what I'm looking at. I'd even listen to it separately. It sets the mood so well that The King's Speech is probably the first non-musical for which I've noted the music in a review. But what about the true meat of the movie? Its story and characters? The plot is well-paced and takes one through the characters' various triumphs and setbacks. It's sweet, gentle, funny, even more so because it's not trying HARD to be. The actors play the characters very naturally. I like all three leads and feel what they feel, from when Bertie gives his first stuttering speech to when he declares "I have a voice!" Not to sound cheesy, but the movie has an uplifting message too. "Those poor boys had cried out in fear and no one was listening. My job was to give them faith in their own voice," Lionel states. Even if you're not a king, you have a voice. So, watch the movie, or if you have already, tell me what you think. (I have no idea why it's rated R, except perhaps because of one scene where Bertie belts out swear words, but that was done in the least offensive way possible, as he doesn't direct them at anyone.)

The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making
It's a children's book about a girl named September at odds with Fairyland's evil ruler A.K.A. the Marquess, but it's creative, heartfelt, AND smart. Can't you just tell from the title? I liked September and all her friends and some of her enemies. They're all interesting characters, and through them, the book presents many truths about wishes and secrets and courage and cities made of cloth. Like I said, creative, heartfelt, smart.

Edward Scissorhands
High on a hill, a kindly inventor dies before he can finish his creation, Edward, who is left with scissors for hands. Avon Lady Peg Boggs finds Edward and brings him to live with her family in the suburbs. How will Edward fit in, and will he make the football team? Just kidding about the football team. I think the fanbase for Edward Scissorhands has actually grown since 1990, but I don't think a ton of kids today have seen it, and people I know avoid the movie because everyone says Tim Burton only makes scary movies. I've only seen one scary movie by Tim Burton (Sweeney Todd, which I saw 10 minutes of before I ran away), and Edward Scissorhands is mild for any film. The first half is mostly sweet, and the second half is mostly sad, but it's never very scary. It has a lot of heart and kindness embedded in its tone and outlook. I love the characters, mostly Edward and Peg, because of who they are, but also because the actors portray them so splendidly. Here, I'll show a 10 minute clip (ignore the Hebrew subtitles), and you just watch their facial expressions and vocal intonations. So cute! Makes me want to say "Blend and blend and blend." and "Darn this stuff!" all day. And the way Peg goodnaturedly laughs at her ditzy neighbor's stupidity. She's so tolerant of idiots. Wish I was that tolerant. (I've decided I should give you warnings too. The movie contains some violence near the end with a minimal amount of blood and graphic-ness. It contains an unkind and superstitious religious person, prompting the eternal question whether the movie's creators were painting a portrait of all religious people or just that one.)

So don't avoid this movie. See it! Love it!

I want this shirt. Frankenstein Edward is so much gentler and more lovable than vampire Edward.

And a video of a cat hugging her baby

Friday, July 8, 2011

Sneezy's Music - The Musical Edition

I love musicals. I've known for years that I love them. Still, even now, I'll start listening to a Broadway-style song, and it will irritate me to no end for the first 45 seconds. The performers act with their singing, and at first, it sounds like obnoxious overacting. However, as the singers continue, they never waver in adding as much oomph as possible, and I realize it's not obnoxious overacting. It's unashamed theatricality, and I love it! So much emotion. That's the other part I love. Musicals contain so much emotion because the characters are allowed to sing out their feelings in expository fashion, and it's believable because, well, they burst into song in the first place. If you can take that, you can take their expository singing. It's so much drama, in such a fantastic way. Like soap operas, only good, with singing and costumes and occurrences that never take place in real life. Musicals are forever young.

Wicked is a fractured version of The Wizard of Oz. In Wicked, the Wicked Witch of the West (or Elphaba) is the hero, shunned by the multitudes because she was born with green skin. The wizard is the villain, who, I think, steals the voices of the anthropomorphic animals of Oz. He also tries to kill Elphaba. Forever determined to be good, Elphaba makes it her mission to stop the evil wizard. Because of this, the people of Oz label her "wicked." Idina Menzel plays Elphaba, and Kristin Chenowerth plays Galinda. I hope they make a movie of this musical because, even after listening to and reading about it, I'm not sure what all happens. All its songs are so clever. I shall take you step by step through the three that here appear.

The Wizard and I
She sings so wonderfully, so fiercely, it's hard not to sing along. As you can see, it's a happy song, but it holds some pretty ironic foreshadowing. Elphie envisions a "celebration throughout Oz that's all to do with me." She'd be so happy she could "melt." Now, I may not have to tell you this, but all of Oz will celebrate only because she literally melts. Of course, she doesn't know that. So I'll let you decide whether it's really a happy song.

What is this Feeling?
This is so smart and funny. I may be stating the obvious again, but replace the word "loathing" with "love" or "loving" throughout the song, and you'll see it could just as well be a love song...but it's not! It's a hate based on superficial qualities, brought on in an instant, expected to last forever, but doomed to end, all just like infatuation. "It's so pure, so strong!" Heh! Ri-ight.

Dancing through Life
This song presents meaning in layers. First comes the obvious truth that life IS "more painless for the brainless." If one doesn't think, one never hurts. If one doesn't care, one is never saddened. Next comes the spoiler that Fiyero later becomes the Scarecrow. Supremely sneaky, I'd say.

I love all the songs not only because they're easy on the ears but also because they're smart. They're all worth listening to. *Hint*

Jekyll and Hyde
I find this song so pretty, and the picture pretty cool. I like other songs from this musical, but this one sticks most in my mind.

No One Knows Who I Am

Spiderman Turn off the Dark
Yes, they have created a Broadway musical of Spiderman. At first, this seemed like a completely ridiculous idea. How can the Spiderman we know from the movies be contained in a tiny stage when he should be swinging around from New York skyscrapers? From the preview below, though, they will have some pretty amazing effects. And you know, the movies didn't capture it well, but Spiderman is a pretty emotional chronicle, as I know it from the 1992 TV series. It's like a soap opera, but glorious, with goblins and black holes and science and genetic mutation and cloning, instead of lame stuff like ex-husbands. In other words, Spiderman's sort of perfect for a musical.

I hope it does well, so that it runs a long time, so that I can still go see it when I'm rich.

Rise Above
I like this song well enough. It's a bit repetitive, but, eh. I'm not sure if they've released more songs. To be honest, I only started looking today because I didn't feel that two musicals was enough for this post.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Videos of Brave, and Neil Gaiman and Adam Savage (Really hard to come up with creative titles for that)

Apparently, Merida is Pixar's first female protagonist. I think the movie looks dramatic (but hopefully it's not stiff), despite the strange, small-eyed, hobbit-like appearance of the character.

Neil Gaiman wrote Coraline and...many other books (but I've only read Coraline). Adam Savage, you probably all know, is on Mythbusters. He does a fantastic Gollum imitation. It's funny. Enjoy.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Magnificent Monsters of the Mar

The Mudskipper

I mentioned mudskippers in my 10 Rules page. So what are they, you ask? I drew a picture, but a video is worth...however many frames are in the video times a thousand words each. So a lot of words. Aren't mudskippers adorable? Isn't it amazing how they build their homes? Isn't it noble how they bring air to their babies? I love the way they blink. Wikipedia says they're amphibious. So I don't understand how they're fish. They should be amphibians...It's situations like these that the shrug was invented for. *Shrugs*

The Dumbo Octopus

Awwwww! Combine a cute name like Dumbo Octopus with a face like this and what do you get? That's right! Um, a specimen of Dumbo Octopus! Yay! Other kinds of dumbo octopuses exist (also, octopuses -- or octopods -- is the correct plural term for octopus). Basically, they're just octopuses with flaps on their bodies. But this is my favorite picture of one.

The Vampire Squid

I like all kinds of cephalopods, octopuses, and squid. They're interesting. They change color and texture according to their surroundings and moods. They have eight legs, or six, some of them have six. They...swim. I dunno. They're just cool. But here's ONE interesting kind. What kind of squid is able to turn inside out and display the (secretly soft) spikes on the underside of their bodies to scare away predators? Vampire squid! Vampire squid just look scary. They're actually small and prey to many other sea-dwellers. (They're also dumbo octopuses. See the flaps on the head? Wait. How can they be squid AND octopuses? I'm lost. Roo says: Never take directions from a lost Roo.)

The Axolotl

This is a type of amphibian. Isn't it sweet!

The Blob fish

I happen to find this creature endearing like a fawn. An older fawn, an older ALIEN fawn with no spots or fur or bones. Still, endearing.

Disclaimer: Most or all information on this page was derived from the internet, and it was derived months ago, and people like me sometimes forget what we read. Therefore all you have left is hope, hope that I didn't get THAT much wrong. Let me apologize, sorry, and let the uncertainty begin!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Videos and Music and Stuff, You Know...Sneezy's Music

Cat gets caught barking by a human and resumes meowing
Haha! So cute!
[When Mom saw this post, she said, "What, no comment on this one?" Well, I did comment, just briefly. However, if I were to give a more in depth analysis, this is what I'd say: Perhaps this cat was raised by dogs. Or perhaps it's trying to cough up a hairball. Perhaps the human startled it out of the concentration it took to "bark." Or perhaps the human brought the cat's attention to what it was doing absentmindedly, and it stopped. Or perhaps it was planning to stop any second and the human had very little to do with it. The possibilities are fathomless. Cats are fathomless. You are fathomless. A mortal like me should not be so arrogant as to pretend I know what goes on in the minds of cats and you. Uh-UH. Anyway, this video does not indicate cats are trying to dominate the world, as so many think anything cat-related indicates. HORSES, now, horses are much more likely to try for world domination. I got bitten by a horse today (not BADLY, but still...bruises), so I was reading about training horses that bite. From what I read, horses bite to show their OWNERS who's boss, and they can kill people. Cats only bite people in play or fear or self-defense, and they leave a bit of blood at MOST. Yet horses get a reputation as gorgeous, gracious gods among animals, and cats get a rap as evil little Napoleons. Where is the justice in that?! Kentucky? No, what am I saying? It's not in Kentucky, because there is no justice in that. Maybe horses are spreading rumors about cats to cover their own tracks...Nah, horses aren't that smart. (I mean, they bite the hand that feeds them, for crying out loud! Yes, I'm still mad about it.) Maybe that cat was barking at a horse...Nah, fathomless. (Cats don't bite me when I feed them. They're smart.)

Well, how's that for in depth?]

Jedward (Irish twins John and Edward) are more famous in Europe than in the US, so I don't know much about them. From what I have seen, though, they get terribly disproportionate amounts of hate, considering they're not criminals; they also get rather too much love; they are not "hot" or "inspiring" as their fans claim they are; and they are definitely ridiculous as their detractors claim they are. But ridiculous in a way that amuses me. Most celebrities ARE ridiculous, but few make fun of themselves in their own music videos, which Jedward do in All the Small Things. And Lipstick  makes you want to dance AND showcases the twins' iffy coordinated dance skills. It's like they're trying to make us laugh. Haha! Jedward.

Jedward - Lipstick

Jedward - All the Small Things

Ryan Sheridan - Jigsaw
A catchy song by an Irish artist, this reminds me a bit of Mumford and Sons, only faster and therefore less dull.

Royseven - Dance
Another Irish artist, another catchy song, another day the synonym-finder in my brain has been AWOL.

Simon and Garfunkel - I Am a Rock
How did I not know this song? It's glorious!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Steampunk Pictures!

A while ago, I labeled the movie Sucker Punch as Steampunk. (I'm not sure if it really is, but it's got that look.) "What's steampunk?" Mom asked. It's when you combine the 18th Century Look with modern or futuristic technology. This means computers, robots, and weaponry, etc. combined with Victorian clothing (TOP HATS!), architecture, and perhaps even transportation. "Steampunk" refers steam power, which drove trains and boats and a couple cars, so...What's my point? There's also Cyberpunk, Dieselpunk, and probably lots of other sub-genres, which I think  all combine the look of a certain time period with technology that doesn't belong in that time. And they're all awesome and creative, but I think steampunk is the prettiest. (TOP HATS!) Do a Google image search and you'll find millions of beautiful pictures. I wish I could share all the ones I like, but there's so many, so I'll just show a few. Besides, at the moment, I'm a bit frightened of infringing on copyright or something. I dunno. It's just this cold claw of a feeling in my stomach, warning me the pictures could sue me regardless of the fact I have no money. It's silly, my stomach. Anyway:

Ah. See, Sucker Punch might actually be more cyberpunk or something. I dunno.

When I first saw the following picture, I thought the robots were friendly, and I thought, "Oh, that's different," because usually the robots would be sort of violent, but then I realized the robots were dangling civilians in the air...It's less interesting now, but it's still pretty.

Now, the Royal Court of Roo debated amongst itself for many nanoseconds on whether to post this video. The lyrics don't make any sense to me, you see, and if they happen to mean something inappropriate, you'd all laugh at me. Briefly. In your mind. Subconsciously perhaps. But you WOULD! Nonetheless, it is so catchy and the video is so very steampunk, I decided to take that risk.

Panic! At the Disco - The Ballad of Mona Lisa

Mom also asked me if steampunk was an upcoming trend in fashion. It's not, as far as I can see. I mean, some people dress this way, for cosplay usually, but it's not like converse or anything. It SHOULD be though. Because it's beautiful. It would be superb if everyone dressed themselves and fashioned buildings and machinery in steampunk fashion. Everything would be nice to look at. Maybe it will happen someday. Who knows?

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Television, Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin Television, and More

Hello. I'm Roo. This is my blog. I blog on this blog.

Anyway, we have a few subjects to cover today. Let's get started.

1. Sarah Palin and Sarah Palin's Alaska

You may have heard of the documentary series from TLC starring Sarah Palin and her family. It's hilarious in an excellent way. Here, let me tell you a story in spite of the fact that such a story is impossible to tell amusingly and is sure to bore you to onions, which you will then cut and cry over for sheer boredom or something. Teaching Sarah and Todd to kayak on the show, a man looked just like Jesus. When my brother said so, I burst out laughing. Then, within the show, Sarah said, "Eric, you look like Jesus. We're in good hands." Eric replied "Man, I get that a lot." We had to pause the TV, that's how hard we were laughing. But then, we pause our TV for anything from the drop of a hat to the purr of a cat. Rhymes. Anyway, the show is wonderful in that way. Hilarious. And the viewers get to know her as a person. I agree with my mother that she's a lot like our Type A, kid-loving Tae Kwon Do instructor. Very human, Sarah repeats herself a lot on the show, which is tiresome, but when you're asked something you've been asked five times before and your opinion hasn't changed, what are you supposed to say? I admire Sarah because I believe she's an independent thinker, which the world is much too Napoleon on (in other words, too short on. I'm practicing my creativity here. It doesn't always come out right, okay?). She doesn't just spew whatever everyone else is saying. She states opinions I've never heard before, ideas I haven't even thought of, which, considering my genius, is truly wondrous. This doesn't mean that no one has ever thought of her ideas before, just far fewer people than those who have thought of more common notions. (For instance, her detractors almost exclusively insult Sarah by saying she's stupid; which means they lack both the honesty to say why they really hate her and the brain-power to come up with original insults.) That means Sarah very likely comes to her own conclusions and doesn't just repeat whatever happened to enter her ears and stick. I'm definitely voting for her if she runs.

2. Hordes of Upcoming Fractured Fairytale Films HURRAH!

According to this article, we can expect movies of three versions of Snow White, three versions of Sleeping Beauty, two versions of Peter Pan, four versions of The Wizard of Oz, and two versions of The Little Mermaid. And on TV, one version of Hansel and Gretel, one version of Jack and the Beanstalk, and a couple shows that don't focus on any fairytale in particular. People have said these movies are a sign that Hollywood lacks creativity, but as I've said before, I love fractured fairytales. I find them very creative. Although Hollywood IS uncreative and just copying because Alice in Wonderland made so much money, the movies' writers might be extremely creative, and I could squeal for joy at all these fairytale movies.

3. Horrible Histories

I've only seen a few of these "Horrible Histories," but I LOVE this one, Dick Turpin.

Dear Clever Makers of this Dose of Catchiness,

Let me take this opportunity to say thank you and voice my staunch support of your tearing down the romantic images of all violent, criminal, and immoral professionals, be they highwaymen, pirates, or ninjas. They all get way too much love for being bad people. Especially pirates. *cough* PiratesOfTheCarribean *cough*



4. My Plot

You may have noticed a pattern in my posts. It's two posts a month. However, I shall soon be off to college, and I don't know how often I will be able to post then. Therefore, I must provide for you in my absence. I plan to post as much as I can in the next months. And you can catch up at your leisure. You're welcome.

Let it begin!

Friday, May 27, 2011

In Memory of the Header Picture of Timothy Mouse

Timothy Q. Mouse was a supreme mouse, manager, friend, and header picture. Born circa 1940, this legendary figure never spoke of his past, and, to this day, it remains shrouded in mystery. Experts tell us he was born to a family of mice. They further conclude that, in the tradition of the mice of the time, his family neither sent him by TARDIS to live in the year 5050 nor sent him by ski lift to live on Mount Olympus with the gods. Actually, that's the tradition of mice of all times. There is some dispute, however, on whether he was born in the circus or ran away to it. Of the circus-birth theory, proponents say he obviously knew where to find peanuts and how to execute tricks of the trade, like hiding peanuts in his hat. Of the runaway theory, proponents say he clearly had a New York accent and therefore must have grown up in New York, not traveling across accent-boundaries all willy nilly. Willy Nilly says it's possible he simply inherited his accent from his mother. His mother asks how she possibly could have moved him and seven other mouslings all around the country. Though she also says it was strange that peanuts kept falling into the nest and she may have laid the nest in a circus truck and didn't even know it. All very confusing, a topic for a much more in depth study. Nevertheless, we do know the details of this great rodents' friendship with that prime specimen of a flying pachyderm, Dumbo. Now, although he's the title character, and a most endearing one at that, Dumbo was matched in personality and presence by his friend Timothy. It was Timothy, after all, who proactively got the little elephant a happy ending. In Dumbo's circus, Timothy's common sense looked like genius, which it is, actually. For this world is much like Dumbo's, where dense denizens treat big-eared pachyderms like clowns and prejudiced pachyderms treat big-eared pachyderms like targets for prejudice. Timothy cut through that dusty haze of stupidity with unforgettable, pithy speeches like, "What's the matter with his ears? I don't see nothin' wrong with them. I think they're cute." And, "Gab, gab, gab, always gossipin'." And, "There he goes, without a friend in the world. Poor little guy." Speaking such simple truth that somehow eluded everyone else. He is certainly a brain to be remembered. I can picture his name next to Einstein's and his likeness on blog headers. Actually, his likeness has been on a blog header for many moons but is now coming down. Roo, the proprietor of said blog, explains her decision. "Many moons has Timothy's likeness inspired us as we looked at the blog, inspired us to be smart in kindness and helpfulness. However, there comes a season where many winds blow, and many rains fall, and it is called Spring. Not that it has anything to do with this really, except that it's Spring now, and I'm taking down the picture. But many pictures inspire us, and we must give them all homage. Timothy understood this well. Probably. The next blog header will be of Aisling and Pangur Ban of The Secret of Kells. I think Timothy would approve. And we at Sneeze the Day will always approve of Timothy. Probably, usually." Well said, Roo. Well said.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Fairy's Dream Job

Now, fairy class, the most Envied Trade?
Why, no other trade but fairy maid
And all the fairy laws ban it or
Every fairy would be janitor

Fairies think maidery an imperative must
For gaining possession of fairyful dust
Dusting the dust, Maid flies like a gust
To gain more fairy-musts, to gain more than just rust

Rust grants clairvoyance very specific
To see when a monster breaks the Pacific
To us human beings, the logic's horrific
To them flying pixies, it's plain scientific

Washing of garments entitles the mud
To sweet faithful Maid, whose singing skills bud
Also her claim, the fairy grass stains
Grant Maid the assurance she'll never know pain

Scraping the walls of the paint there in splatters
Maid speaks to flowers, she fluently chatters
Being bilingual is a power that matters
To all, take the words of Alice and Hatter

Hours on hours, Maid kills fairy germs
Her magic rebuttal skills rival whole firms
Janitor, forever smeared over in grease,
Finds fairy grease gives a janitor peace

Also a chimneysweep covered in soot
She finds it's like dust but gives fleetness of foot
The prize that sticks to both used sponge and mop?
Fairy glop magic grants perfect doo wop

So study hard in dirt-istry
Get all A's in your grime-ology
Only the best get into Sanitation University
Only the best get in the Fairy Maids Agency

- A poem by Roo

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


You might remember Lenka from an email I sent a while back concerning this song.

Trouble is a Friend

Back then, I didn't especially like any song on that album except Trouble is a Friend, and I liked that mostly for the imaginative lyrics and video and less for the music. Either my tastes have changed or I wasn't in the mood for her kind of music that day, because I've relistened to the album, and I love it now. Why did I relisten to it? Why, I might counter, did I use the non-word "relisten?" But that has nothing to do with this. I relistened because she recently released her second album, and I really liked that one. I suggest you check out both.

Here are a couple samples from her new album, Two.

Everything at Once

Roll with the Punches

And from her first album, Lenka.

Like a Song (this one's especially beautiful melody-wise)

Like a Song Instrumental Cover (this is just a plain piano version of the song; you can skip it if you like, but it's nice.)

There's lots more. Every song is at least okay, and most are inspired. Also, I love how Lenka looks like a Who. Like, from Whoville, you know?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Thor and Megamind

This made me smile. I'm actually quite excited about this movie now. Just a month or two till it comes out!

Speaking of videos that made me smile, I liked Megamind more than Tangled, but not as much as How to Train your Dragon. (That's probably just me. I didn't have as strong a reaction to Tangled as most people did.)

Loved by none but his minion, a young alien finds he possesses considerable skill at screwing up, being bad, so he becomes a supervillain and chooses the title Megamind (Incredibly Handsome Criminal Genius and Master of all Villainy). However, when he loses his super-heroic nemesis, he needs a hero. To fight. So he creates one, or tries to, but everything goes backwards, and suddenly he has a villain on his hands and HE has to be the heroic nemesis.

Megamind is a sympathetic villain for most of the movie because not many people like him, he loses constantly, and he's flawed, but he's also cheerful, persistent, kindhearted, and a wee bit lovable. It helps a lot that Megamind actually says sorry for all he's done and changes his ways, especially since, at the start of the movie, he's a kidnapper, a murderer, unrepentant, and purposely distracting the audience with his theatrical goofiness. Well, maybe not purposely, but still. Actually, the purpose of that was probably to show that he had good in him as well as evil, and it works, especially after the good starts winning. I never once hated him. Also, the WAY he becomes good. Atypically, he doesn't turn good JUST for love, although that is a big part of it. It's also because he regrets killing Metroman and wants to balance out his own evil with the new hero he creates, a good deed even if it was for "for the greater good of bad." He also simply doesn't want the city to be destroyed. All factors add up and make the transformation more believable. I'm not against "turning good for love," but it's different this way, which is great.

Also exquisitely different, Megamind and Roxanne knew each other for years before they felt anything for each other. It wasn't love at first sight, and neither was it hate. Just acknowledgement. Only when Megamind starts becoming a new (good) person do they start falling in love, which shows that they fall in love because of who they are or are becoming, not because of their looks or any weird thing for kidnapping or being kidnapped. True, a producer of the movie SAYS Megamind is in love with Roxanne when kidnapping her, and Tina Fey SAYS Roxanne likes being kidnapped, but they're just trying to annoy me. I mean, they don't know I exist, but the Universe is using them as pawns to annoy me. And they're wrong. Megamind and Roxanne aren't in love at the start of the movie, because that doesn't make sense with the rest of the movie. Megamind explicitly says he sees no point in kidnapping Roxanne if Metroman isn't around, proving he wasn't kidnapping her to be close to her, only to pick a fight with Metroman. Furthermore, Roxanne is sarcastic when she's been kidnapped but not when she's really enjoying herself with Megamind, and she still hates the "evil" Megamind after falling in love with the "normal" Bernard until she sees definite change in Megamind. Again, she fell in love with him because of him, not how he looked, which is probably Roxanne's coolest attribute. First, she did NOT swoon over the handsome superhero, and then, she actually says looks are not a factor to her. Roxanne could have been more interesting, but at least she wasn't shallow.

The movie overall was sweet and funny, like the following autotuned clip.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Walrus Still Talking

The time has come the Walrus said. For Sneezy's Music once again.

Who Says -- Selena Gomez and the Scene

The sound of this song is, if not fantastic, a definite improvement over the "techno" sound of her last album. Those songs were okay but  slightly soulless and irritating. Also, I can hear very little autotune in Who Says, and Selena still sounds pretty, which just shows that she CAN sing. She's one of the few singers whose voices I like. She can act too, but that's beside the point. Now, the lyrics of this song. First of all, "You're a diamond in the rough," is a surprisingly nice statement to make about someone who made you feel insecure, and it's kinda nice to hear such niceness in a song. "I'm no beauty queen" is a bit laughable coming from Selena, since she IS really pretty, even though she looks thirteen, and I can't talk about that anyway because I'm the same age as her and I look thirteen. But it's an understandable statement. Nobody really thinks they're that beautiful. Except some people. Some people think they are, but anyway.

Katy Perry's Firework A Capella

It's nice, right?

Calculus Rhapsody

This is really, really funny, especially 4:01. =D

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Walrus Says

The time has come, the walrus said. For Sneezy's Music once again.

21st Century Girl -- Willow Smith

This is Will Smith's daughter. You may have heard her sing Whip My Hair, another surprisingly good song like 21st Century Girl. They're both catchy, have fun lyrics, and they're just good. Willow's voice is pretty amazing for a 10-year-old. By now, I'm used to hearing of young girls who can sing opera-style well, which is great, but I know of far fewer who can sing pop well. Strange, since it seems pop should be the easier style. Anyway, when I started watching the video, I thought it was going to be another one of those annoying videos that make no sense just for the sake of being weird. What's up with those? They're all over the place. I think a video should say something. I make it a practice to give videos a chance and to consider they might have a message before I dismiss them as shallowly following the Weird Trend. I'm almost always disappointed. This time, though, I think the video really is saying something, and not just something, but something relevant to the song. The girls in the video raise a whole city up from the dirt, an empowering theme that coincides with how a 21st century girl can do any great and noble deed. I like it. Also, that girl has balloons in her hair.

Riot Rhythm -- Sleigh Bells

This the same band in my second to prior post, the Infinity Guitars people. This song seems more techno than rock this time...But then again, like I said, I have no idea what exactly I'm talking about. 2:23 is pretty funny.

All My Loving -- The Beatles

Mom and I heard this on the radio a while back and thought it sounded like the Beatles. Well, it is! It's fun.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Wonderful World of Humans

One of the world's most pressing problems today must surely be that of making heads or tails of the dominant species on earth, who don't actually have tails. And barely any heads. Which may be part of the problem.

Hello and welcome to the Wonderful World of Humans. I'll be your guide through this harrowing, but ultimately very. . . harrowing, experience. Call me Ishmael. It's not my name, but first lesson here, quote classics, and humans will call you intelligent. Even if you're insulting them. What fools these mortals be. Lesson number two: humans cling vehemently to the classics to the exclusion of all else. Come up with original ideas, and humans will call you insane. At least until some "authority" makes your ideas "official." Then, they'll believe even if you were insane. Can someone say the theory-- I mean, FACT of Evolution.

Now, at this point, your head might be spinning. It might seem impossible to master understanding of humans now. You might be regretting the day you changed your major from Quantum-physical-mechanical-superminutae to Humans. You might be feeling a sudden urge to clean litter boxes and septic tanks in favor of grasping the basics of this sad batty species. Worry not! With time and incremental steps, you will understand humans better than the backs of your keyboards.

We shall begin at the beginning. Babies. Awww, so cute! But not really, though.

Moving on, humans like keeping it real, which is why fakes make it farther than anyone. Humans spend a lot of time forming opinions on pop culture figures, which is why they just accept it when Kanye West is derided for embarrassing the angelic Taylor Swift who's worshipped even when she's humiliating scores of people in her songs and interviews without the guts to say it to their faces because she's better than Miley Cyrus who never badmouths anyone but isn't the "In" person to worship like Taylor Swift is. Humans want to be unique, which is why they copy all their friends and everyone else who's trying to be unique by, for instance, wearing converse. Humans want to be normal, which is why they copy all their friends and everyone else who's trying to be normal by, for instance, wearing converse. Humans want to be true to themselves, which is why they say whatever will make people like them. Humans are self-aware, which is why they respond to comments they don't like by telling people not to comment on stuff they don't like.

Let's take a look at the human brain. Humans have grey matter in the form of the cerebrum so that they may think for themselves, understand irony and sarcasm. . . No. Wait. I'm thinking of cats. Why do humans even have that part of the brain?

Anyway, when considering human courtship rituals, it is useful to remember-- Aw, forget it. This species doesn't make any sense at all. You're better off studying Quantum-physical-mechanical-superminutae. I'll see you there.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I'm through with Playing by the Rules of Someone Else's Game...should "through" be capitalized?

I just finished my first ever college exam. Yay! It's done. I did okay. I missed, like, three questions. One was worded badly, the other was a trick question, and whatever was wrong with the third it wasn't my fault!

To celebrate, I treated myself to writing this blog post. I also treated myself to an early luncheon, and not just any early luncheon, a food-based early luncheon, more expensive than its comparative non-food-based early luncheon. Also, I called it a luncheon.

Here's a song I listened to while studying.

Concerning the filmishness of this video, at 0:20 where it starts at her feet and pans up as she walks? Usually, that would be done in slow motion, but I think it looks even stronger for the fact that it's in regular motion. She's walking normal. It looks cool.

Also, I have a really hard time distinguishing between music genres. What constitutes pop? What constitutes rock? What constitutes hip-hop? I like any music that sounds like music to my ears, and that encompasses a wide range of genre songs that just happen to mesh with my soul. I do find most of them in pop/rock, though. From what I can TELL, the above song is kind of rock, because it's heavy on the guitars and drums. I like that. It meshes with my soul. It's also kind of techno, though, because it repeats itself a lot. Some techno meshes with my soul, too, especially when it repeats CATCHY phrases again and again. I've never heard of rock/techno before, but I bet this would be it.

I have no idea what the lyrics mean. And THAT means, while I can't say they mesh with my soul, I can't say they do the opposite of meshing with my soul. Actually, a word or two may almost certainly not mesh with my soul. Did I say the word "mesh" yet? I hope it means what I think it means.

Anyway, to be honest, I just found this song yesterday, but still.

There's a song I listened to while studying.

Here is a song I listened to while...happily bobbing my head. (It contains a swear word, but I couldn't find a version without it, so just ignore it.)

Here is a song I listened to while psyching myself up to write a terrifyingly long paper last year.

This song actually makes me feel like I can fly. It's the combination of the loud Broadway-style singing, the beautiful high notes, the uplifting and determined lyrics, the euphoric melody, and the instruments in the background. It makes me feel like I can take over the world! "I'm through accepting limits 'cause someone says they're so! . . . To those who ground me, take a message back from me! Tell them how I'm defying gravity! . . . And nobody in all of Oz, no wizard that there is or was, is ever gonna bring me down!" All the sentences earn their exclamation marks. Do any among you love this song as much as I do?

Here's the song set to some neat storyboard sketches at this blog:

Here's a song that makes my heart burst in the gentlest way.

It is just so, so, so PRETTY. I'd heard Vivaldi's Rain before this of course, but I'd never heard it with words, and the vocals just heaven-ize it.

Here's another pretty song, but one much sadder.

Well, I want to do another post soon. I'll see if I get to it today...But I probably won't.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Sneezy's Music!

Welcome to Sneezy's Music, the part of the blog where Sneezy comes out and posts songs that she likes but didn't create.

Club Called Heaven by Black Cards
I like this song because it sounds like an old record AND a pop song with a good beat. It's different from most songs one hears today.

Try by Natasha Bedingfield
Natasha Bedingfield released a new album recently, and I love Natasha, so it pains me to say this, but the album wasn't very good compared to her last ones. All the new songs sound the same, somewhat boring. I admit Strip Me has grown on me since I first heard it, but that was months ago, so the others might grow on me too, but it will take a while. However, in spite of the slow music, I kind of like the following song. It's just kind of nice. I dunno.

Islands by The XX
I first liked the song just because of the video. It's interesting and different. Someone said it shows how "No man is an island." I think I agree with that pretty much. The song is called Islands, and the dancers do seem lost without their partners. The song grew on me too. Nice lyrics.

Rosie by Daisy Dares You
I first liked the song's a fun song. The video's not great, but it's okay.


I had to add this movie trailer too. It's for Thor (says the Queen of the Obvious). It looks good. At the start of the trailer, it looks like another boring superhero movie about some invincible guy with mysterious origins, but as it progresses, it shows Thor being reprimanded for being a "vain, greedy, cruel boy." This means Thor is far from perfect, which is unusual for superheroes. It seems to be setting up character development, which is rare in entertainment. It's also rare to deride vain, greedy, cruel people. Often, they applaude characters for being vain and cruel (Shawn Spencer of Psych comes to mind, sorry little brother) and greedy (Entrapment comes to mind, although I don't remember much of it). Thor might be applauded for those traits too, in spite of the trailer suggesting that he won't. In which case, it will stink. I will not lose hope, however, that the marketing reflects the movie and character development will occur.

Also, I like Thor's line about how our ancestors called science magic. That's just what I've always thought!

Well, TTFN!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Huh? Where'd My Thought Go? Nevermind. Behold Jane and the Dragon.

I was thinking of something I wanted to post on here, and now I've forgotten. Oh, well. I'll just keep writing and see if it comes back to me. I'll write about something else I've been meaning to write about, something that might even be what I was thinking about before and forgot, since I don't remember if it was or not.

I. Love. Jane and the Dragon.

It's a TV series about girl knight and her friend Dragon going about their lives in a medieval castle. The theme song tells the backstory with super-catchiness. It's a fantastic series. It's for kids, so it's sweet and safe, but it's usually pretty mature too. And it's funny, with lovable characters, great voice acting and animation, fun stories, and well...everything else! I think it was made in New Zealand. It's only twenty-something episodes long. I hear they made a second season but never aired it, and I wonder what we'd have to do to get them to release it. We should start a petition or something.

Here's one of my favorite episodes. (It's 23 minutes, so make time before you start because it's gripping.) I love it because I love Jane and I love Jester and they make a great couple, but more than that, it demolishes one of the most annoying cliches in the history of storytelling: bitter enemies are secretly in love. Those love interests "who always bicker except when they're saving each other and there's evidence of sexual tension"? Death! Death to those love interests and their cheesiness! Only morons fall in love with people who are jerks to them. In this episode, Jane and Gunther act like they hate each other because -- guess what? -- they really do! It's hilarious and brilliant! And even better for the fact that Jane and Jester are NICE to each other because -- guess what? -- they like each other! Brilliant!

I laugh so hard every time I see this episode. Enjoy!

Read the following only after you've watched the episode (she says to the people who continue to read anyway...and the ones who actually heed her words, thank you): I love when Jester tells Gunther, "What Jane sees in your lowbrow, witless behavior, I shall never know." And Gunther totally admits to it, "Sees in it?" And probably the funniest part is Sir Ivon's rant at the end about "nice people."

I still haven't remembered what I was going to post on here before, but I strongly recommend you watch the rest of the series. It's funny, entertaining, and sweet, and it's not one of the main issues of the series, but Jane is great for little girls (and boys) to look up to because she's realistic and doesn't just do what she's expected to do because she's a girl and the daughter of a lady in waiting. She takes the road less traveled by. She might be my favorite, but it's so hard to choose. Jane and the Dragon will blow your mind. Maybe.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and May all Your Mail be Personal

Personal mail is what you get from people you know and maybe sort of like, right?

My family thoroughly enjoyed Christmas vacation.

We read The Best Christmas Pageant Ever and loved it as much as we have every year for...a lot of years. I didn't crack up as hard as I did the first time we read that the Herdmans' idea of a game was to try and squash each other with their garage door, but I enjoyed other aspects of the book even more. The first-person narrator, Beth Bradley (I think), has a lot of personality even though she doesn't actually do much. (The book tells of only one time she physically reacts to something: when Alice Wendleken says she's going to tell her mom about the problems with Beth's mom's pageant. "There wasn't much I could do about, except pinch Alice, which I did." I think even that is fantastic in terms of showing character.) The other characters are realistic and lovable too. The Herdmans are terrible, terrible people, but I love that the book explicitly says they're the worst children in the history of ever, I love that even they have some good in them, and I love that they change by the end. I also love that we started Christmas morning, not by tearing open presents, but by finishing the book. It was a real change of pace, eating a sleepy breakfast at the table then moving to the couch for some read-aloud BEFORE calmly opening presents. We sure know how to liven things up around here.

We experienced the same hectic insanity on New Year's Eve. We went, of all places, into our car. And THEN to Walmart, if you can believe that. Before we knew it, we were attracting stares as we organized a chorus of talking toys called Sing-a-ma-jigs meant for three-year-olds. We moved our calamity to the craft isles where we spelled out festive phrases with wooden letters. We rounded off our escapades by buying me one of the Sing-a-ma-jigs (whom I named Bobo), a stuffed Pooh Bear toy, an Alice in Wonderland key chain, and...POP! Soda pop. Then we went home. No doubt you've already read about it in the tabloids. No? Well! I feel snubbed.

I loved New Year's Eve just as much as Christmas morning, truth be told.

But it's over now. It's a new year, and I feel like I should put a new picture at the top of my blog. I did put a pic at the bottom of the blog. See it?

Anyway, in other news, I saw a new trailer for Paul a while back, and I withdraw my endorsement. It looks awful.

Here's a trailer for a movie called Hanna. It looks alright.

My big brother showed me this video. It's funny. =)

I shall have to post again soon.

TTFN. =)