Thursday, January 6, 2011

Huh? Where'd My Thought Go? Nevermind. Behold Jane and the Dragon.

I was thinking of something I wanted to post on here, and now I've forgotten. Oh, well. I'll just keep writing and see if it comes back to me. I'll write about something else I've been meaning to write about, something that might even be what I was thinking about before and forgot, since I don't remember if it was or not.

I. Love. Jane and the Dragon.

It's a TV series about girl knight and her friend Dragon going about their lives in a medieval castle. The theme song tells the backstory with super-catchiness. It's a fantastic series. It's for kids, so it's sweet and safe, but it's usually pretty mature too. And it's funny, with lovable characters, great voice acting and animation, fun stories, and well...everything else! I think it was made in New Zealand. It's only twenty-something episodes long. I hear they made a second season but never aired it, and I wonder what we'd have to do to get them to release it. We should start a petition or something.

Here's one of my favorite episodes. (It's 23 minutes, so make time before you start because it's gripping.) I love it because I love Jane and I love Jester and they make a great couple, but more than that, it demolishes one of the most annoying cliches in the history of storytelling: bitter enemies are secretly in love. Those love interests "who always bicker except when they're saving each other and there's evidence of sexual tension"? Death! Death to those love interests and their cheesiness! Only morons fall in love with people who are jerks to them. In this episode, Jane and Gunther act like they hate each other because -- guess what? -- they really do! It's hilarious and brilliant! And even better for the fact that Jane and Jester are NICE to each other because -- guess what? -- they like each other! Brilliant!

I laugh so hard every time I see this episode. Enjoy!

Read the following only after you've watched the episode (she says to the people who continue to read anyway...and the ones who actually heed her words, thank you): I love when Jester tells Gunther, "What Jane sees in your lowbrow, witless behavior, I shall never know." And Gunther totally admits to it, "Sees in it?" And probably the funniest part is Sir Ivon's rant at the end about "nice people."

I still haven't remembered what I was going to post on here before, but I strongly recommend you watch the rest of the series. It's funny, entertaining, and sweet, and it's not one of the main issues of the series, but Jane is great for little girls (and boys) to look up to because she's realistic and doesn't just do what she's expected to do because she's a girl and the daughter of a lady in waiting. She takes the road less traveled by. She might be my favorite, but it's so hard to choose. Jane and the Dragon will blow your mind. Maybe.