Friday, June 24, 2011

Videos and Music and Stuff, You Know...Sneezy's Music

Cat gets caught barking by a human and resumes meowing
Haha! So cute!
[When Mom saw this post, she said, "What, no comment on this one?" Well, I did comment, just briefly. However, if I were to give a more in depth analysis, this is what I'd say: Perhaps this cat was raised by dogs. Or perhaps it's trying to cough up a hairball. Perhaps the human startled it out of the concentration it took to "bark." Or perhaps the human brought the cat's attention to what it was doing absentmindedly, and it stopped. Or perhaps it was planning to stop any second and the human had very little to do with it. The possibilities are fathomless. Cats are fathomless. You are fathomless. A mortal like me should not be so arrogant as to pretend I know what goes on in the minds of cats and you. Uh-UH. Anyway, this video does not indicate cats are trying to dominate the world, as so many think anything cat-related indicates. HORSES, now, horses are much more likely to try for world domination. I got bitten by a horse today (not BADLY, but still...bruises), so I was reading about training horses that bite. From what I read, horses bite to show their OWNERS who's boss, and they can kill people. Cats only bite people in play or fear or self-defense, and they leave a bit of blood at MOST. Yet horses get a reputation as gorgeous, gracious gods among animals, and cats get a rap as evil little Napoleons. Where is the justice in that?! Kentucky? No, what am I saying? It's not in Kentucky, because there is no justice in that. Maybe horses are spreading rumors about cats to cover their own tracks...Nah, horses aren't that smart. (I mean, they bite the hand that feeds them, for crying out loud! Yes, I'm still mad about it.) Maybe that cat was barking at a horse...Nah, fathomless. (Cats don't bite me when I feed them. They're smart.)

Well, how's that for in depth?]

Jedward (Irish twins John and Edward) are more famous in Europe than in the US, so I don't know much about them. From what I have seen, though, they get terribly disproportionate amounts of hate, considering they're not criminals; they also get rather too much love; they are not "hot" or "inspiring" as their fans claim they are; and they are definitely ridiculous as their detractors claim they are. But ridiculous in a way that amuses me. Most celebrities ARE ridiculous, but few make fun of themselves in their own music videos, which Jedward do in All the Small Things. And Lipstick  makes you want to dance AND showcases the twins' iffy coordinated dance skills. It's like they're trying to make us laugh. Haha! Jedward.

Jedward - Lipstick

Jedward - All the Small Things

Ryan Sheridan - Jigsaw
A catchy song by an Irish artist, this reminds me a bit of Mumford and Sons, only faster and therefore less dull.

Royseven - Dance
Another Irish artist, another catchy song, another day the synonym-finder in my brain has been AWOL.

Simon and Garfunkel - I Am a Rock
How did I not know this song? It's glorious!

1 comment:

  1. LOVED the cat one!!! I couldn't stop laughing and i had to re watch it a few times :) awesome. Fun videos too. Thanks!
