Sunday, June 26, 2011

Magnificent Monsters of the Mar

The Mudskipper

I mentioned mudskippers in my 10 Rules page. So what are they, you ask? I drew a picture, but a video is worth...however many frames are in the video times a thousand words each. So a lot of words. Aren't mudskippers adorable? Isn't it amazing how they build their homes? Isn't it noble how they bring air to their babies? I love the way they blink. Wikipedia says they're amphibious. So I don't understand how they're fish. They should be amphibians...It's situations like these that the shrug was invented for. *Shrugs*

The Dumbo Octopus

Awwwww! Combine a cute name like Dumbo Octopus with a face like this and what do you get? That's right! Um, a specimen of Dumbo Octopus! Yay! Other kinds of dumbo octopuses exist (also, octopuses -- or octopods -- is the correct plural term for octopus). Basically, they're just octopuses with flaps on their bodies. But this is my favorite picture of one.

The Vampire Squid

I like all kinds of cephalopods, octopuses, and squid. They're interesting. They change color and texture according to their surroundings and moods. They have eight legs, or six, some of them have six. They...swim. I dunno. They're just cool. But here's ONE interesting kind. What kind of squid is able to turn inside out and display the (secretly soft) spikes on the underside of their bodies to scare away predators? Vampire squid! Vampire squid just look scary. They're actually small and prey to many other sea-dwellers. (They're also dumbo octopuses. See the flaps on the head? Wait. How can they be squid AND octopuses? I'm lost. Roo says: Never take directions from a lost Roo.)

The Axolotl

This is a type of amphibian. Isn't it sweet!

The Blob fish

I happen to find this creature endearing like a fawn. An older fawn, an older ALIEN fawn with no spots or fur or bones. Still, endearing.

Disclaimer: Most or all information on this page was derived from the internet, and it was derived months ago, and people like me sometimes forget what we read. Therefore all you have left is hope, hope that I didn't get THAT much wrong. Let me apologize, sorry, and let the uncertainty begin!

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