Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Television, Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin Television, and More

Hello. I'm Roo. This is my blog. I blog on this blog.

Anyway, we have a few subjects to cover today. Let's get started.

1. Sarah Palin and Sarah Palin's Alaska

You may have heard of the documentary series from TLC starring Sarah Palin and her family. It's hilarious in an excellent way. Here, let me tell you a story in spite of the fact that such a story is impossible to tell amusingly and is sure to bore you to onions, which you will then cut and cry over for sheer boredom or something. Teaching Sarah and Todd to kayak on the show, a man looked just like Jesus. When my brother said so, I burst out laughing. Then, within the show, Sarah said, "Eric, you look like Jesus. We're in good hands." Eric replied "Man, I get that a lot." We had to pause the TV, that's how hard we were laughing. But then, we pause our TV for anything from the drop of a hat to the purr of a cat. Rhymes. Anyway, the show is wonderful in that way. Hilarious. And the viewers get to know her as a person. I agree with my mother that she's a lot like our Type A, kid-loving Tae Kwon Do instructor. Very human, Sarah repeats herself a lot on the show, which is tiresome, but when you're asked something you've been asked five times before and your opinion hasn't changed, what are you supposed to say? I admire Sarah because I believe she's an independent thinker, which the world is much too Napoleon on (in other words, too short on. I'm practicing my creativity here. It doesn't always come out right, okay?). She doesn't just spew whatever everyone else is saying. She states opinions I've never heard before, ideas I haven't even thought of, which, considering my genius, is truly wondrous. This doesn't mean that no one has ever thought of her ideas before, just far fewer people than those who have thought of more common notions. (For instance, her detractors almost exclusively insult Sarah by saying she's stupid; which means they lack both the honesty to say why they really hate her and the brain-power to come up with original insults.) That means Sarah very likely comes to her own conclusions and doesn't just repeat whatever happened to enter her ears and stick. I'm definitely voting for her if she runs.

2. Hordes of Upcoming Fractured Fairytale Films HURRAH!

According to this article, we can expect movies of three versions of Snow White, three versions of Sleeping Beauty, two versions of Peter Pan, four versions of The Wizard of Oz, and two versions of The Little Mermaid. And on TV, one version of Hansel and Gretel, one version of Jack and the Beanstalk, and a couple shows that don't focus on any fairytale in particular. People have said these movies are a sign that Hollywood lacks creativity, but as I've said before, I love fractured fairytales. I find them very creative. Although Hollywood IS uncreative and just copying because Alice in Wonderland made so much money, the movies' writers might be extremely creative, and I could squeal for joy at all these fairytale movies.

3. Horrible Histories

I've only seen a few of these "Horrible Histories," but I LOVE this one, Dick Turpin.

Dear Clever Makers of this Dose of Catchiness,

Let me take this opportunity to say thank you and voice my staunch support of your tearing down the romantic images of all violent, criminal, and immoral professionals, be they highwaymen, pirates, or ninjas. They all get way too much love for being bad people. Especially pirates. *cough* PiratesOfTheCarribean *cough*



4. My Plot

You may have noticed a pattern in my posts. It's two posts a month. However, I shall soon be off to college, and I don't know how often I will be able to post then. Therefore, I must provide for you in my absence. I plan to post as much as I can in the next months. And you can catch up at your leisure. You're welcome.

Let it begin!

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