Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sneezy's Music and Trailers and Such

Demi Lovato - Skyscraper

Demi's pretty, she has a nice voice (if you don't like it at first, it grows on you), she can sing live, and I like her. She was bullied in school, had eating disorders, cut herself, etc., and I think this song is about overcoming the ways other people hurt you and the ways you hurt yourself. I've heard songs that pull off this theme better and with more melody, but this song is definitely what they call an admirable effort, and definitely better than a lot of OTHER songs with similar themes. It's better than Mean by Taylor Swift because Skyscraper doesn't attack anyone else, only uplifts Demi. I think this is a sign of what one might call spiritual enlightenment, and the next step is actually helping people who hurt you. So, don't be put off it because Demi's a teen idol. Here's the song.

The Sound of Arrows - Magic

I love this so much. The music is lovely, but combined with the video, it's heavenly. It tells me I'm not the only one who fantasizes about everyone else dissappearing off the planet, how much fun I'd have (no offense to all you who are not me and therefore would be disappearing in said fantasy; I like you all very much, really). No ill-intentioned people to hurt me, no well-intentioned people to impose restrictions on me, no one I have to please but me. The whole world to myself, the whole world and all its "puzzles and wonders, mysteries and such." Absolute freedom and bright possibility. This video and these lyrics capture that feeling perfectly. Perfectly. Also, the kids speak in beautiful Spanish, and the video's all the better for it. The world is full of magic.

On Tuesday, I saw an epic new release at the movie theatre. It's a cultural icon, dramatically influencing thousands upon thousands of children throughout its lifetime, which has ended with this installment unless it hasn't. You all know what I'm talking about.

Yep, Winnie the Pooh. It was cute, entertaining, humorous, but not phenomenal. I expected it to be much truer to the tone and characters of the original movie, and it's not. I think it tried a little TOO hard to be true to the tone, and that just doesn't work, because the original movie had a tone of NOT trying too hard, if you know what I mean. And the characters were perhaps half-right, but they were also dim-witted and thoughtless, which is okay for Tigger and maybe Owl, but not the rest of the characters. Pooh, especially, is supposed to be wise and gentle, in his own way. Now, as for the animation, this is Disney's latest pencil-drawn movie, and hopefully not its last. I'm not sure why, but pencil-animation is just nicer to look at than computer-animation. It's not just my personal taste. My eyes literally feel different, more relaxed, looking at pencil drawings. We can't let this form of animation die out! We must support such animation whenever possible. Therefore, I do recommend you go see the movie in theatres and support Disney pencil-animation, but I suggest you consider it seperate from the original movies. Also, my favorite part was the Nessie cartoon before the actual movie. It's also pencil-drawn, glorious to look at, and sweet in story. So be sure to be there for that.

The Amazing Spiderman

This is the reboot of the Spiderman story. To be honest, I'm terribly excited for it. I liked the Spiderman movies of the last decade, when they came out, but that was before I discovered truly great movies and TV, including the 1992 animated series, Spiderman. Now, I deem the Spiderman movies ALRIGHT, but pasty in comparison to the series. I'm hoping this new movie will live up the series. It appears Peter's parents might just disappear in this movie. Maybe they're American spies in Russia. I think I remember them being spies in the series. That would be exceptional. On the other hand, Peter seems doesn't seem at all snarky from the trailer, whereas the series' Peter was just a basket of wit as both Peter Parker and Spiderman. Maybe it's not fair or wise to expect the movie to be like the series. Well, here's hoping it's enthralling no matter if it is or not.


  1. Awesome! I LOVED Demi Lovato's song and The sound of Arrows was strange but fasinating and beautiful :) Thank you for sharing!! :) Love You!

  2. No problem. =) I'm glad you liked it so much.

    Love you too,


  3. I am still pondering the part where you disappear the rest of us from the planet, we would miss you. Or us?? It was great to see you last week!!
