Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Steampunk Pictures!

A while ago, I labeled the movie Sucker Punch as Steampunk. (I'm not sure if it really is, but it's got that look.) "What's steampunk?" Mom asked. It's when you combine the 18th Century Look with modern or futuristic technology. This means computers, robots, and weaponry, etc. combined with Victorian clothing (TOP HATS!), architecture, and perhaps even transportation. "Steampunk" refers steam power, which drove trains and boats and a couple cars, so...What's my point? There's also Cyberpunk, Dieselpunk, and probably lots of other sub-genres, which I think  all combine the look of a certain time period with technology that doesn't belong in that time. And they're all awesome and creative, but I think steampunk is the prettiest. (TOP HATS!) Do a Google image search and you'll find millions of beautiful pictures. I wish I could share all the ones I like, but there's so many, so I'll just show a few. Besides, at the moment, I'm a bit frightened of infringing on copyright or something. I dunno. It's just this cold claw of a feeling in my stomach, warning me the pictures could sue me regardless of the fact I have no money. It's silly, my stomach. Anyway:

Ah. See, Sucker Punch might actually be more cyberpunk or something. I dunno.

When I first saw the following picture, I thought the robots were friendly, and I thought, "Oh, that's different," because usually the robots would be sort of violent, but then I realized the robots were dangling civilians in the air...It's less interesting now, but it's still pretty.

Now, the Royal Court of Roo debated amongst itself for many nanoseconds on whether to post this video. The lyrics don't make any sense to me, you see, and if they happen to mean something inappropriate, you'd all laugh at me. Briefly. In your mind. Subconsciously perhaps. But you WOULD! Nonetheless, it is so catchy and the video is so very steampunk, I decided to take that risk.

Panic! At the Disco - The Ballad of Mona Lisa

Mom also asked me if steampunk was an upcoming trend in fashion. It's not, as far as I can see. I mean, some people dress this way, for cosplay usually, but it's not like converse or anything. It SHOULD be though. Because it's beautiful. It would be superb if everyone dressed themselves and fashioned buildings and machinery in steampunk fashion. Everything would be nice to look at. Maybe it will happen someday. Who knows?

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