Saturday, December 11, 2010

An Important New Series

Avatar the Last Airbender is an animated TV show set in a world where people can "bend" the four elements of water, earth, fire, and air. If you're a fan, you might be glad to hear that the creators of Avatar are creating a new series set in the same world! A new Avatar series!

In an interview with the creators, they call the spin-off series Legend of Korra. It will be more serious than the original series, and I'm glad. I liked the original series best when it was serious. I'm not sure I like something else about the new series, though -- It's set 70 years after the finale of the original series. All the original characters are dead. The main character is the new Avatar, a Water Tribe girl named Korra.

This means we won't be reunited with our favorite characters, but more than that, we may never learn the answers to questions left open-ended by the original series. The whereabouts of Zuko's mother, for one. The only one I can think of actually...

But we need to know that! I always expected the original series to continue in some way, if only to answer that question. The show quite purposely left us with it in mind. Was it only to frustrate us? I hope not. There's a chance the new series will answer the leftover questions. With luck...

Continuing the popular Avatar the Last Airbender series, Legend of Korra comes out in 2011, supposedly.

Here's a piece of concept art from the series.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Movie Trailers

Arthur Christmas
It looks ridiculously cute, doesn't it? When the elf tackles Arthur? Arthur's accent?
Unfortunately, it doesn't come out until next year.

Cowboys and Aliens
It seems kinda silly, yes. But also novel, don't you think?

Another alien movie. I'm not that into aliens, but this looks kinda funny.

Source Code
Looks interesting, yes?

It's about a kid who likes crashing funerals, a ghost, and a girl with a terminal illness. A highly unusual and morbid mix. It actually sounds quite good! I'll have to find out more about it though.

Well, that's all I have right now. Well, no it's not. Well, it's all I have that I want to post right now.


Monday, December 6, 2010

Cats Playing Patty-cake

Behold a hilarious cat video. =)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Marina and the Diamonds

It was near the start of this year I first heard of the singer known simply as Marina and the Diamonds (her real last name is Greek for diamonds, but she changed it to this). I learned of her through the Skulduggery Pleasant fandom. Skulduggery Pleasant is an Irish series of books, so most of its fans are UK-based, as are Marina and her fans. It seems shes's becoming more popular in the States, however, and this is...bad. I felt special when I was the only American who knew about her...Now I am nothing! So I had to make this post to say, "Ha! I knew about her before anyone! ANYONE! Well, before the people who only listen to big hit music, 9/10 of which is to real music what water is to...something not watery! Now witness my takeover of the universe and my ban on all Taylor Swift music until she can write something original and thought-provoking and stop faking an accent!"

Anyway, I heard Marina's song I Am Not a Robot first. The more I listened to the lyrics, the more I liked the song. I didn't like Marina's voice initially, but now I find it refreshingly different. I like the video, too, because of the glitter, paint, and pretty makeup.

After listening to that a few times, I branched out into the related videos, and the following are my favorites.

Mowgli's Road -- Many people call the video creepy, but I only call it creative. I'm not sure what the song means. It's poetry, I guess, and poetry swaddles meaning in in the deceptive cotton of ambiguity, which annoys me to no end. I do understand a few lines, though, and them I like.

Hollywood -- This was my favorite of the initial Marina songs I encountered. I liked the fast, upbeat music. She calls America a mess but also says she's obsessed. And apparently, in other statements, she said she admired the hard-working, dream-winning spirit of America, so I don't take this song as an insult. I love the line, "Actually, my name's Marina."

Shampain -- I admit this song isn't as delightful as the others, but I like the video. It's a bit like Thriller, but the zombies are glamorous. Glamorous zombies -- What could be better?

Oh No -- This video came out a few months after I discovered Marina. It renewed my interest in her. This is probably my favorite Marina song and my favorite song all around for a couple weeks after it came out. The lyrics are strong, the music fun, the colors light and bubblegummy, and the choreography matches the song very well.


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Tangled and Other Movie-related Materials

We saw Tangled on Thanksgiving, and it was great! I was a bit conflicted about the death of Mother Gothel, though. I knew I would be from the moment three years ago that I learned Disney was making this movie. Mother Gothel acted as a mom to Rapunzel all her life. You'd think the movie couldn't really have a happy ending if the mom died, as she does in the original story. But still, Tangled's story is fun, the characters believable, the colors gorgeous, Rapunzel gorgeous, Flynn gorgeous, the computer animation tolerable, the 3D effects lovely, and the songs nice, if not fantastic. It's absolutely worth seeing.

In this song, I like Flynn's part best. I love how he wants to be ALONE. ;) (Sorry the song quality isn't great and it comes with a video that might spoil a scene if you haven't seen it yet. If you haven't, close your eyes. I couldn't find another video with an embed code.)

Here's a picture of a character from a show called Avatar the Last Airbender.

Heeheeheeheeheeheehee! It's really funny because Zuko (the character pictured) is finally telling his psycho dad off, and he's making important, dramatic statements, but for the first two seasons, his dad's face was hidden in shadow. When we finally saw his face, he didn't look evil or remarkable at all. It really was a let down. But this makes it funny.

Here's a trailer for an adaption of Little Red Riding Hood. I love fairytale adaptions, something about how people find so many creative ways of retelling a single story, something about the magic, something about the singing crabs...although that's mostly The Little Mermaid. I normally hate moody, brooding romance stories, though, because they're usually more cheesy and cliche than touching, and I'm not sure I'll like this Riding Hood adaption. Not sure at all. But I love the song in this trailer.

Well, TTFN.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I have created a sort of blog-like post thing. With videos in it.

Let there be blog!
I have created the whole blog in six days, and on the seventh, I rested. Well, I actually created this blog in a little over an hour. And on the seventh...Well, that doesn't really apply now, does it? Seventh what?

Anyway, I created this blog to post pictures and videos in an attractive format. With this, I can rave about stuff, and since I won't be cluttering up inboxes, people don't have to listen to me until they find time and feel like it. I'm very generous to you, I know. Also, now if I blog about something, some video or picture, you have to comment! And you have to comment on that something! Ha! You can no longer refuse to look at what I show you, "forget" to answer me, or avoid my chosen topics by asking me what's up!

Well, I suppose you can. But still. Maybe this way, I'll get more comments on stuff I actually want comments on.

I also created this blog for the fun of creating a blog. So far, I'm happy with it. The picture at the top is Emily from The Corpse Bride. I think her pale blue colors contrast nicely with the pale pink background of the blog. I also had fun renaming the blog parts: Followers, About Me, Posted by, and all that.

Now, to the videos.

Disney has created some really fun featurettes for Tangled, and I wanted to share a couple. There's lots more though, and they're all great.

Here's a trailer for a new Winnie the Pooh movie. This is Disney Studios' first pencil-animated movie since The Princess and the Frog. A lot of people expected Princess and the Frog to usher in a new age of pencil animation, and Disney had plans for another pencil animated fairytale, The Snow Queen, to come out around the time of this new Winnie the Pooh. Princess and the Frog didn't do so well, though, and now Snow Queen might be dead, and as far as I know, there are no plans for other Disney pencil animations. It's probably worst case scenario to say this, but Winnie the Pooh 2011 might be the last pencil animation from Disney. I love the song in this trailer though, and it looks like a cute movie.

TTFN! =)