Sunday, December 5, 2010

Marina and the Diamonds

It was near the start of this year I first heard of the singer known simply as Marina and the Diamonds (her real last name is Greek for diamonds, but she changed it to this). I learned of her through the Skulduggery Pleasant fandom. Skulduggery Pleasant is an Irish series of books, so most of its fans are UK-based, as are Marina and her fans. It seems shes's becoming more popular in the States, however, and this is...bad. I felt special when I was the only American who knew about her...Now I am nothing! So I had to make this post to say, "Ha! I knew about her before anyone! ANYONE! Well, before the people who only listen to big hit music, 9/10 of which is to real music what water is to...something not watery! Now witness my takeover of the universe and my ban on all Taylor Swift music until she can write something original and thought-provoking and stop faking an accent!"

Anyway, I heard Marina's song I Am Not a Robot first. The more I listened to the lyrics, the more I liked the song. I didn't like Marina's voice initially, but now I find it refreshingly different. I like the video, too, because of the glitter, paint, and pretty makeup.

After listening to that a few times, I branched out into the related videos, and the following are my favorites.

Mowgli's Road -- Many people call the video creepy, but I only call it creative. I'm not sure what the song means. It's poetry, I guess, and poetry swaddles meaning in in the deceptive cotton of ambiguity, which annoys me to no end. I do understand a few lines, though, and them I like.

Hollywood -- This was my favorite of the initial Marina songs I encountered. I liked the fast, upbeat music. She calls America a mess but also says she's obsessed. And apparently, in other statements, she said she admired the hard-working, dream-winning spirit of America, so I don't take this song as an insult. I love the line, "Actually, my name's Marina."

Shampain -- I admit this song isn't as delightful as the others, but I like the video. It's a bit like Thriller, but the zombies are glamorous. Glamorous zombies -- What could be better?

Oh No -- This video came out a few months after I discovered Marina. It renewed my interest in her. This is probably my favorite Marina song and my favorite song all around for a couple weeks after it came out. The lyrics are strong, the music fun, the colors light and bubblegummy, and the choreography matches the song very well.



  1. Not bad, you should check out Kate Miller-Heidke. She is an Australian singer that I like :)

  2. Thanks. =) I will. I've already heard Last Day on Earth on your blog, I think, and I'm listening to Words right now and I like it.
