Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I have created a sort of blog-like post thing. With videos in it.

Let there be blog!
I have created the whole blog in six days, and on the seventh, I rested. Well, I actually created this blog in a little over an hour. And on the seventh...Well, that doesn't really apply now, does it? Seventh what?

Anyway, I created this blog to post pictures and videos in an attractive format. With this, I can rave about stuff, and since I won't be cluttering up inboxes, people don't have to listen to me until they find time and feel like it. I'm very generous to you, I know. Also, now if I blog about something, some video or picture, you have to comment! And you have to comment on that something! Ha! You can no longer refuse to look at what I show you, "forget" to answer me, or avoid my chosen topics by asking me what's up!

Well, I suppose you can. But still. Maybe this way, I'll get more comments on stuff I actually want comments on.

I also created this blog for the fun of creating a blog. So far, I'm happy with it. The picture at the top is Emily from The Corpse Bride. I think her pale blue colors contrast nicely with the pale pink background of the blog. I also had fun renaming the blog parts: Followers, About Me, Posted by, and all that.

Now, to the videos.

Disney has created some really fun featurettes for Tangled, and I wanted to share a couple. There's lots more though, and they're all great.

Here's a trailer for a new Winnie the Pooh movie. This is Disney Studios' first pencil-animated movie since The Princess and the Frog. A lot of people expected Princess and the Frog to usher in a new age of pencil animation, and Disney had plans for another pencil animated fairytale, The Snow Queen, to come out around the time of this new Winnie the Pooh. Princess and the Frog didn't do so well, though, and now Snow Queen might be dead, and as far as I know, there are no plans for other Disney pencil animations. It's probably worst case scenario to say this, but Winnie the Pooh 2011 might be the last pencil animation from Disney. I love the song in this trailer though, and it looks like a cute movie.

TTFN! =)


  1. Hooray - a great new blog! So - nice videos. I am looking forward to seeing Tangled. I think pencil animated movies are the best. I hope Disney does more. The Pooh movie pictures are beautiful! I don't think the problem with The Frog Princess was the animation, but the fairly predictable story line.

  2. Woohoo! You're my first comment! Thank you for not only commenting but also commenting on specific topics. And I agree with you. Love you! =)

  3. "Why is he smiling at me?" HAhahaha!! that video gave me a seriouse case of Laughttossis Bubiliosis. . . . . . . .
    Do u like my art work? I have never liked seeing an animated pencil, but then again i have never seen a movie deticated to such an art. Personaly I like yarn.....Like a lizard.

    Your are is truly,

  4. Welcome, TheLaughingStocks. =) Thanks for your comment.

    I do like your art work, I must say.
    Movies of animated pencils are among the highest art forms. Only a savage could tear his eyes away from the image of a moving pencil.

    You might want to get that lizard-like love of yarn diagnosed. It could be a sign of scaly skin. Or you could just check your skin.

    Your are was truly,

  5. Roo and Laghing Stocks are truly strange creatures! I only somewhat feel I understand, in a microscopic way, their ramblings. However, they do seem to understand each other - perhaps they hail from the same gene pool. (hahahah)
    St. Arc Fan

  6. cooool!! it all i can say, cooooool!!!

  7. P.S.
    Why aren't you associated with TAToo?
    S A F

  8. St. Arc Fan, how did YOU know I was microscopic???

    Anonymous, thank you. =) I quite concur.

    SAF (St. Arc Fan, I presume, and not Strict Apple Formula), I'm not associated with TAToo because they shout from the rooftops this information everyone already knows. Of course Tadpoles are amphibians, and all that rooftop shouting keeps me up at night. Who would associate with such ruffians?
    ...Plus, they excommunicated me when I wrote a poem about tadpoles and they took a line totally out of context. "They look more like mice to me, and mice are not amphibians." I was saying that appearances are deceiving, but they took it as heresy. Plllbbtt! Who needs 'em?

  9. Oh, by the way. Anonymous, you should leave your name or codename or something that will tell me who you are, because right now, I have mere suspicion, and "we can't go on together with suspicious minds." - Elvis. At least, I think he said that, and who am I to disagree. If you're Elvis, Anonymous, we can't go on together with suspicious minds. You said so yourself. =)

  10. Good Morning Roo!

    I stated that my understanding was microscopic - perhaps that is because you are microscopic - however, I did not know that you are microscopic until you told me.

    On another note - you must understand frogs talk all night and so TAToo must as well. Your attaching the label ruffians to them seems a "tad" (heehee pun intended)harsh. I suggest you look for areas of shared traits, (size perhaps?)and make up.

    If you do have Elvis posting - he should set rest the controversy of being alive or not.

    S A F

  11. SAF, you've opened my eyes, and the sights are breathtakingly warty. Thank you.

  12. Does this mean that you are now associated with TAToo?

    S A F

  13. i.am.so.excited.for.winnie.the.pooh....no joke

    "I think you're catching a cold"---Pooh

    -Myles :D

  14. I'm excited for Pooh Bear, too, Myles. Thanks for commenting. =)

    S A F, for you I write this couplet:

    The bottom of this blog
    holds the answer fog.

    I know that didn't really make sense, but it had to rhyme...

  15. S A F can mean several things - but in honor of your forgiveness - today it means Same As Frogs - as tadpoles are you know - only less mature.

    I loved Tangled - thought it was awesome! Great characters, enough plot twists to make it unpredicatable, and lovely colors!

    Signing off,
    Safe As Fire

  16. Very clever meanings, S A F. Brilliant!

  17. lol, reading the comments was almost as good as the post! Miss you guys :)

    So Roo, what's up???

    As for my comment..... what were we talking about again???

  18. Haha! =)

    Glad you enjoyed the comments. What's up? My post is up. The comments are up. My mother and brother make all the real funny jokes and I just follow their lead.

    We were talking about yarn and tadpoles. And oh yeah, the blog thing.

  19. You guys are Awesome, I love being able to read all the fun banter :)
